Monday, March 14, 2011

Bla bla bla so on and SO'OD

Its almost 5 am. And I'm cracking my head on how to play bass the proper way. Its hard enough to learn without an actual bass guitar, but for now my 'gitar kapok' would be enough. It takes me some time to notice this. You don't need to follow everything by the book, you know. But knowing it is best for your personal improvement. Playing music for me is about relaxing and having fun, that's the reason why they invent musical instruments in the first place. And to break some rules is actually to expend your creativity, just go with your flow and the music will come to you naturally.  Learn through time and experience and you'll get what I mean.  Btw the picture below is one of the item I wanted the most!!! Kalau dapat la, uisssh!!! seronok aku!!


Lagi satu cerita ialah pasal kebodohan media Malaysia dalam mencari minat pembaca. Kalau korang perasan surat khabar cam Metro ngan Kosmo banyak sangat cari title yg kononnye nk tarik minat pembaca. Paling kencang ialah pasal SEKS. If aku la, surat khabar ni adalah pasal fact and the truth. Tapi al maklum la kalau dah libatkan politik takde yg sahih dan benar semuanye karut marut, air mani la, bulu la, seks luar tabii la, kalau crite pasal pembangkang semua nk buruk yg baik x nk plak kau cari. sah2 bebal. Bab2 BN semua nk indah macam fairytale. Buto Pak Hang!! Yang paling latest dan bebal, ada ke patut time2 tsunami ngan gempa bumi kat Jepun kau nk tulis pasal ratu Porno terselamat dgn Fizz Fairuz nye status update kat Twitter. Irrelevant la bro, come on la. Baik kau tulis pasal student Malaysia yg terselamat ataupon yg terkorban atleast sedara mara, mak bapak dorang kat sini tau pasal dorang. Ialah connection bnyk yg terputus lebih2 lagi kat bahagian yg teruk tu. Sakai habis pemikiran dorang la. Fizz Fairuz tu pon manusia, dalam Malaysia semua isu jadi sensitif. Kesian artis Malaysia ni, pantang kalau buat salah, cepat je media nk jatuhkan. Paling sensitif ialah isu agama dan kaum. Kalau sebut keling, melenting dorang. Kalau sebut nk tarik kelebihan melayu mengamuk Perkasa. Kalau sebut Cina, mesti pasal hak ngan bisnes tycoon. Melayu ni dah tau lemah x nak majukan diri sendiri. Takkan la dari kecik sampai besar nak bersuap je, berak nak orang cebukkan, geli la wei!!. Takde daya saing la dalam sifat orang Melayu. Masalah yang dah lama tapi sampai sekarang x settle.  

Benda camni mmg x leh settle kalau semua orang berfikiran sempit, open your mind and try looking at your own reflection and you'll notice the big problem. The world is always changing, for the best or the worst it doesn't matter, stop pointing your finger cause the problems start with one self. Nobody is perfect but that doesn't mean we cannot perfect what can be perfected. The effort alone is enough with sufficient self integrity. Learning is a never ending process. Learn to understand each other, learn to adapt with your surroundings and learn to be a better human. And the problems will be solve on its own. Its not easy, so is life. If everything is easy then we're already in heaven. Think and react. That is all I have in mind. Gudnyte peeps.  

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